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What Is It Now? The Webster Hotel

A Webster History Mystery

The Webster Hotel was built in 1850 and demolished in 1963. (Photo Courtesy of the Webster Museum)


Are you ready for this month’s “History Mystery”?

The answer to last month’s History Mystery (Where Are They - The buildings that once housed the Webster Union School District High School): 97 South Avenue, across Sanford Street.

For this month’s “History Mystery,” read the historical background below describing the building in the picture and see if you can guess what business resides there today!

Historical Background

The Webster Hotel was built in 1850. It had 22 rooms, a big dining room, and a modern kitchen.

The hotel was easily identified by the cute little tower on top of the building.

The balcony over the porch was used for band concerts.

The building was eventually demolished in 1963. A new building has since been constructed in its place, housing a well-known business located at one of the Four Corners in the Village of Webster.

Can you guess what business now stands where the Webster Hotel once stood? Submit your guesses to or share your guesses in the comments below.

("History Mysteries" are put together with the help of the Webster Museum.)

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